If you are planning a group trip, you know that you have a lot of options. Depending on how far you are going, everyone can drive, take a train or maybe fly. All of these options are expensive and leave you at other people’s mercy. One way to go that has gotten a lot better over the years is travel by charter bus. Here are some reasons you may want to go that route on the next trip you plan.
- It is good for the environment. Granted, this may seem counterintuitive but it is true. Not only do motorcoaches use much, much gas than planes, trains, and automobiles (even hybrids cannot keep up) but they produce a lot less carbon dioxide. They can be up to six times more fuel efficient than a car and when you factor in all of the cars that will be off the road for your group trip, you are really reducing your carbon footprint.
- It goes when you want to go and when you want to go. Unlike other forms of transportation, except driving individual cars, when you charter buses, they will pick you up when you want to go and take you where you want to go. You can even have a multi day bus tour, if that is what you need. This is all about your schedule.
- People do not have to put wear on their cars. When everyone drives their own car, they add a lot of mileage to it. That is wear and tear that can add up in terms of maintenance bills. You can avoid all of that by dealing instead with charter bus rentals. Everyone’s car will thank you in the long run.
- It is easy on your budget. It is an economical way to go. If you have a team you are sending to events or individuals looking to go somewhere together, you are not going to find many ways to get where you want to go that cost less. If you all have to pay, once you split the charge among everyone on the trip, you will see it is less expensive than everyone driving individually. If you match the cost of this kind of travel against an airplane or train, in both cases, it will cost a lot more. And you still will not be brought to your final spot.
- Everyone will get there on time. If you want to get to an event, you want to know everyone will get there either on time or at the same time. That means traveling this way is perfect. You set the date and time they everyone leaves and then you have all of your group together for the ride.
- No one will get lost. When you rent a bus, you get a professional driver who will map out the route for you. They should also have GPS on the bus. Even if everyone in your group has GPS, someone will get lost on the way from point A to point B. When everyone is together, you can make sure no one is left looking for the place or places you are going on their own.
- None of your crew will have to worry about road rage. Travel today is not as comfortable as it once was. There was a time when airplane travel was fun but now you have TSA to contend with. Train travel can be fun but it can be aggravating. And then there is road rage. If you are bringing people together to go to something where they will enjoy themselves, making people deal with all of the hassles of travel is not the best way to start your trip.
- Everyone can relax. New coach buses are super comfortable. They have amenities such as TVs and DVD players. Most are equipped with WiFi. Everyone in your groups can rest and relax and enjoy the trip. If you are sending a working group somewhere, they can even get work done on the way to that important conference or other events.
Today, travel by bus is very relaxing, environmentally friendly, cost-effective and a great option for any group trip. It just makes sense!